Eyes of the largest Flesh Fly

Teal and Orange Riso ink on Rost Orange Paper

Do you hear the tone pulsation? It’s the heartbeat of this Sasso stone, carried for millions of years by other living beings. Again and again, like a resonance in colour.

Eyes of the largest flesh fly is the colour that populates many of our current works of art. This warm shimmering deep orange vibrates in the series we made around the Sasso stone and is also mirrored in the reflection of the Blood Moon.

The colour The Eyes of the largest Flesh Fly is a term that comes from a famous book about colour: Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours. It was first published in 1814 by the chemist Abraham Gottlob Werner.

Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours

Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours is one of the first catalogs of colour. Each colour is assigned a number, a name and a square colour area which shows the specific colour. The book is special because for each colour the book also questions ‘Who wears this colour?’ ‘In which vegetable, or in which flower does this colour live?’ ‘And to what gem, to what precious stone, does this colour leads us?’

79 – Brownish Orange – Eyes of the largest Flesh Fly – Style of the Orange Lily – Dark Brazilian Topaz.

“And more substantively we believe that colours, just like us, do not fit into a box or generally applicable definition or a random number.

Colour Associations

For us in the Chamber of Colours, especially these associations to the places and structures of these colours are important. Because the brilliance, the vibration, the cycle and the life of the colour come out much more strongly in the associations than just with a name or a number or a solid colour area. It is precisely the variability of the colours that makes the colours so attractive to our eye, so ultimately exciting to look at again and again.

And more substantively we believe that colours, just like us, do not fit into a box or generally applicable definition or a random number.

The resonance in colours

Turn the topaz and you will see how the light plays, how the gemstone plays, how the colour fades as time, dances, sways and sounds. Look at the eyes of this gigantic fly and see how the bulging deepens the colour, the reflection causes the colour to discolour and adapts to the environment or contrasts itself. Do you see it changing? Can you feel it? Do you hear the tone pulsation? It’s the heartbeat of this Sasso stone, carried for millions of years by other living beings. Again and again, like a resonance in colour.


Sasso Teal / Orange / Teal

Buy this print at Zabriskie Berlin