Exhibition NDSM FUSE Amsterdam artists books by Barbara Collé, Uta Neumann

Exhibition NDSM FUSE Amsterdam

Our Sasso’s travel. They sailed from Lago Maggiore to Het IJ of Amsterdam and can now be seen in the former shipyard in Amsterdam North at NDSM FUSE gallery.

Von Farben die in Steinen wohnen, 2021 artist book

Von Farben die in Steinen Wohnen

This artistbook, is about a special encounter between two artists, an extraordinary stone and animated colours.

Barbara Collé & Uta Neumann
Von Farben die in Steinen wohnen, artist book, leporello, 2022.

Much is different here, but the warm, sweltering heat seems to accompany them from place to place. But now that the rainy season has finally arrived in Amsterdam, we and all Sassos cordially invite you to view our exhibition.

Interpreted freely from Annie Dillard’s book: These stones teach us, the colours and our dreams to talk.

Annie Dillard, ‘Teaching a Stone to Talk’

The opening is Friday September 9 at 5 pm.

Before the opening has even taken place, the exhibition was already extended until September 25. Beautiful works by other Amsterdam artists can also be seen.

NDSM-plein 29 Amsterdam
Thurs-Sun 12:00-18:00

Please do come by!

Many thanks to:

Amsterdam Pop Up Print Gallery

On show (from left to right):

Uta Neumann
Ishi, 2022. Risograph.

Barbara Collé & Uta Neumann
Farben die in Steinen wohnen, artist book, leporello, 2022. Risograph.

Barbara Collé
Blood Moon, 2020. Risograph.

Barbara Collé & Uta Neumann
Circling stones, 2022, artist book, 26 pages.
Risograph, leporello.